Safety Turtle Gate Alarm
Parents looking for the highest level of safety can now choose to have the Safety Turtle® Wireless Gate Alarm installed on their self-closing, self-latching gate. With the introduction of its weatherproof wireless gate monitor, Safety Turtle® now offers two layers of protection in private and communal residences. The Base Station, normally located in the house, alarms when a Turtle wearer falls in the water. Alarming is also triggered by the opening of an armed exterior gate - immediately if the adult pass switch is not activated, or within 11 seconds if the gate is not closed again. Features include: alarm sounds in house not at gate! adult bypass switch on gate sensor no limit on number of gate alarm and Turtle wristband sensors per Base Station 300 ft. [90 meter] range gate sensor battery lasts 30,000 entries GA-ML-101 model adapted to Magna-Latch fastening hardware